The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero/ Foreigh Citizens Identification Number) is the tax identification number in Spain for everyone who is not a Spanish citizen. NIE number is needed in Spain in order to be able to carry out all procedures, such as purchasing a transport, opening a bank account, purchasing a property or gaining acces to public health care system. A NIE number is mandatory for all foreigners with financial, professional or social affairs in Spain, regardless of whether they are a resident or non-resident. Children also need a NIE number in order to, among other things, get social security.

Up till recently, obtaining NIE number in Spain has been fairly quick procedure, but due to the changes of application process, it is different at this moment.

As the application process for NIE number has recently changed to online system, currently there are delays of up to 45 days in obtaining NIE number. In case you intend to purchase a property in Spain soon or aim for a quick completion we recommend you to contact your solicitor to prepare NIE application well in advance.

We hope this article has been useful to you. Remember you can always get in touch with us through the form below in case you need an assistance.

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